Supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Participants 2-nd International Conference on Theoretical Physics 2012

Proceedings 2012 Part2 in the book

Proceedings 2012 Part1 in journal

Participants 3-nd International Conference on Theoretical Physics 2013

Proceedings 2013 in the book

4-th International Conference on Theoretical Physics "Theoretical Physics and its Applications"

3 - 6 of July, 2015

Moscow, Russia

Program of the conference

Language of the Conference: English

Proceeding to be publish in Journal of Physics and Journal of Quantum Computers and Computing

Scientific Program of the Conference

- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

- Quantum Entanglement

- Quantum Theory including Quantum Information (Quantum Computers, Quantum Cryptography, Teleportation of Quantum States)

- Classical and Quantum Gravitation

- General Physics

- Condensed Matter

- Photonics, Optic and Spectroscopy

- Cosmology, Astrophysics and Aeronautics

- Mathematical Physics

Organized Committee

Rybakov Yu.P. (Chairman), Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Chairman of Theoretical Physics Department

Kamalov T.F. (Cochairman) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

Kanatchikov Igor Docent of Institute of Physics and Physics Technologies in Moscow State Open University

Baburova O.V. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Belousov Yu.M., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Chairman of Theoretical Physics Department

Sokolovski D.G., University of the Basque Country, Spain

Slavnov D.A., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Quantum Statistics Department

Douglas Singleton, California State University, Fresno, USA

Anisimov N.Yu., Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Russia

Frolov B.N., Russian State Pedagogical University

Bijan Saha, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna

Beniaminov E.M., Russian State Humanitarian University

Ozhigov Yu.I., Lomonosov Moscow State University

Bogdanov Yu.I., Institute Physics and Technology Russian Academy of Science

Advisor Committee

Baburova O.V. (Chairman) Moscow State Pedagogical University

Bulyzhenkov, Igor (Cochairman) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Kamalov T.F. (Cochairman) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

Isaev D.A. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Malandin V.V. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Kniazev V.N. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Naumov A.V. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Razumovskaia I.V. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Frolov B.N. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Lipkin K.N. (Secretary) Moscow State Pedagogical University

Scientific Committee

Dr. Rybakov, Yuri (Chairman)

Dr. Baburova,Olga (Cochairman)

Dr. Kamalov, Timur (Russia)

Dr. Volovich, Igor (Russia)

Dr. Sokolovski, Dmitri (Spain)

Dr. Belousov, Yuri (Russia)

Dr. Gershtein, Semen, Academian and Real Member Russian Academy of Science (Russia)

Dr. Singleton, Douglas (USA)

Dr. Vinitsky, Sergue (Russia)

Dr. Kanatchikov, Igor (Germany)

Local Organizing Committee

Chairman Timur Kamalov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Vyacheslav Kalashnik, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

Plenary Presentations

Alexander Holevo (To be confirmed)

Igor Volovich(To be confirmed)

Marco Genovese(To be confirmed)

Yuri Rybakov(Confirmed)

Jens Siewert (To be confirmed)

Mayeul Arminjon(Confirmed)

Confirmed Speakers

1. Alexander Burinskii (Theor. Phys. Lab. NSI RAS) Gravitating Bag Model: Combining the naked and dressed electron in an integrated bag-string-quark system

2. Yuri Ozhigov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) Computer simulation of quantum effects in multi-qubit optical systems

3. Victor G. Yarzhemsky (MIPT and Kurnakov Instutute of General and Inorganic Chemistry , FANO, RAS) Space-group approach to the order parameter in chiral superconductor Sr2RuO4

4. V. Ignatovich (JINR, Dubna, Russia) Bell's Inequality for a single measurement

5. Saulius Mickevicius (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania) BINARY CLUSTER MODEL APPLICATIONS FOR SIX-BODY SYSTEMS

6. R. A. El-Nabulsi (Neijiang Normal University, China) Some Quantum Aspects of Non-Standard Lagrangians

7. Mayeul Arminjon (Grenoble-Alpes University, France) Some remarks on the definition of energy and its conservation laws

8. O.V. Babourova, K.N. Lipkin, E.V. Febres, B.N. Frolov (MPGU, Russia) Existence of the Deser−Dirac scalar field in Nature: consequences to the dark energy and the black holes problems

9. A. Silenko (Belarus) Applicability of iterative methods of the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation

10. Michael Ibison (Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, USA) The Dirac Equation from Fokker Dynamics

11. Yu.P. Rybakov (PFU, Russia) Gustav Mie field theory of matter and nonlinear spinor models

12. A. Lipkin (MIPT, Russia) Foundation of Quantum Mechanics – Theoretical Physics Interpretation

13. A.A. Fomin (SGU, Russia) Surface modification of titanium by induction heating and plasma sprayin (poster)

14. E. Mishchenko (University of Utah, USA) Interaction of resonant impurities in graphene\

15. O.J. Stoica (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Horia Hulubei, Romania) Advances in understanding spacetime singularities and their implications to quantum gravity – a review

16. B.J. Falaye (Federal University Lafia , Nigeria) Application of Qiang-Dong Proper Quantization Rule to pseudoharmonic potential and its thermodynamics properties (poster)

17. Martin Bures (Masaryk university, Czech Republic) Stability of atoms in spaces with compactified extra dimensions (poster)

18. I. Kanatchikov (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, Scotland , UK) Ehrenfest Theorem in Precanonical Quantization of Fields and Gravity

19. I.E. Bulyzhenkov (MIPT, Russia) TBA

20. Igor Volovich (Steklov’s Mathematical Institute, Russia) Quantum phenomena in biology

21. Alaxander Holevo (Steklov’s Mathematical Institute, Russia) TBA

22. Nuri UNAL (Akdeniz University, Turkey) Coupled two oscillators and Schrˆdinger, Barut-Girardelo and Perelomov coherent states

23. I. Filikhin, B. Vlahovic (North Carolina Central University, USA) SYMMETRY VIOLTION AND LOCALIZED-DELOCALIZED STATES IN DOUBLE QUANTUM Wells (poster)

24. GUSTAVO LOPEZ VELAZQUEZ (UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA, Mexico) Quantum Computer Based on Diampond C12-C13

25. E. Moreva, G. Brida, M. Gramegna, S. Bose, D. Home, M. Genovese (Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy) Experimental demonstration of entanglement duality through Bell measurements

26. A.A. Shishmarev, S.P. Gavrilov, D.M. Guitman (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) Statistical properties of states in QED with unstable vacuum

27. V. Andreev, S.D. Zotov (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia) Scale transformation and stretched states in quantum mechanics

28. Ramin Zahedi (Hokkaido University, Japan) On the Mathematical Structure of the Fundamenta lForces of Nature

29. V. Dryuma (IMIAN, Moldova) Riemann Extension and their apllications in General Relativity

30. M.A.Yurischev (Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Russia) Quantum discord for general X states: a piecewise-analytical-numerical formula and equations for the boundaries between subdomains

31. V.G. Krechet, D.V. Sadovnikov (MSIU, Russia) TBA

32. V.G. Krechet, D.V. Sadovnikov (MSIU, Russia) TBA

33. T.A. Anikushina, M.G. Gladush, A.A. Gorshelev, A.V. Naumov (Institute for Spectroscopy of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) REFRACTIVE INDEX FLUCTUATIONS IN SOLIDS: NANOPROBING BY MEANS SINGLE-MOLECULE SPECTROSCOPY

34. Charugin V.M. (MPGU, Russia) The formation of a universal spectrum of relativistic electrons in Active Galaxies and quasars

35. O. Tretiakov (Tohoku University, Japan)ANTIFERROMAGNETIC SKYRMIONS

36. T.M. Makhviladze, M.E.Sarychev (Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Russia) Modes of an open resonator with periodic boundaries as field dissipative structure, promising to form a qubit quantum computer network

37. M.E.Sarychev (Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Russia) Equilibrium self-organizing systems with off-diagonal long-range order as a basis for the formation of a qubit network for quantum computer: super radiant phase transition and other examples


39. Yu.G. Rudoy, E. O. Oladimeji (PFU, Russia) Pressure operator for the Poeschl – Teller quantum oscillator

40. Zar Ni Aung (MIPT, Mayanma) Simulation of Quantum Cryptography Systems

41. Sergey Filippov (MIPT, Russia) Collision models of Markovian and non-Markovian quantum evolutions

42. Yu. A. Portnov (MADI, Russia) The influence of light with orbital angular momentum on the evolution of the Universe (poster)

43. V.V. Kassandrov (PFU, Russia)The Algebro-Dynamical Program: Quaternions, Twistors & Caustics-Particles

44. V.V. Kassandrov,I. Sh. Khasanov (PFU, Russia) Collective Lorentz invariant dynamics on a single “polynomial” worldline: conservation, quantization, formation of clusters

45. Alexander A. Chernitskii (Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics, St. Peterbusg, Russia) Lightlike Solitons of Extremal Space-Time Hypersurface

46. Timur Kamalov (MIPT, Russia) Generalization of Action Functions for common Classical-Quantum Physics

47. Yu.I. Bogdanov, A.Yu. Chernyavskiy, B.I. Bantysh, D.V.Fastovets (FTIAN, Russia) The impact of decoherence on the quality and entanglement of quantum gates and algorithms

48. Yu. I. Bogdanov, N.A. Bogdanova, D.Yu Kulko (FTIAN, Russia)The study of Lorenz, Rössler and Rabinovich-Fabricant strange attractors by means of quantum theory

49. Yu. I. Bogdanov, L.V. Belinsky (FTIAN, Russia) Calculation of novel frames for quantum information theory as numerical solutions to packing problems

50. D. Gurevich (Valenciennes University, France) New approach in Noncommutative Geometry and quantization of dynamical models

51. Bijan Saha (LIT, JINR) Spinor field is Bianchi cosmologies

Registration and Opening Session to be on address: :

Moscow, Malaia Pirogovskaia, 29, MSPU, Metro Station Sportivnaia, last vagon from Center of Moscow

Second Session to be on address:
Moscow, Klimentovski pereulok, 1, Moscow
Conference Hall.

It is possible two variants from the any Airport to any Moscow Station Metro (underground tube): 1. On the minibus. 2. On the bus-express. 3. On the train. The price is 5 dollars on minibus and 10-15 dollars on the train or bus-express. The ticket to Moscow Metro is 1 dollar from any station to any. Your Metro Station for Registration and Open Session is Sportivnaia,last vagon fron Center of Moscow. The address of the Conference Building of the University is Moscow, M. Pirogovskaia, 29.

Metro Map


Registration Form and one-two page abstracts send to E-mail:

Name _________________________________
Title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms)______________________________
Mailing Address
Street _________________________________
Country_______________Postal code________
Fax: ___________________________________
Electronic Mail: __________________________

I plan to present a paper: Yes____ No____
Title of the talk: ___________________________
Section: _______________________________________



Arrival Date:__________________

Departure Date:_____________________

Deadline of the registration and submission of abstracts is 15 15 of June, 2015

Deadline of submission of papers is 15 1 of October 2015

If you are need the visa support, please send the copy of your passport and your passport information: Passport number:, Surname:, Given Names:, Nationality:, Date of birth:, Place of birth:, Date of Issue:, Date of Expiry:, Issuing Authority:, Home address:, The town of Russian Consulate:

The working time of the conference is distributed among three types of talks:

--- Review Talks (30 min) that will be held on the morning sessions of the conference,

--- Session Reports (20 min) in the afternoon,

--- Brief Reports (15 min) in the afternoon,

--- Special Sessions of short presentations (5-10 min) is also planned for the


--- Poster 6-10 pages

Arrival to Moscow

We can recommend for accommodation with visa support in 4 satrs Hotel Cosmos>

Iformation about Visa and accommodation

The confirmation of the reservation of the hotel in Moscow you are need for Touristic Visa to Russia. If you have hotel reservation you can ask free invitation from your hotel for your Touristic visa!!!

You can choise Cosmos Hotel (4-stars), Arena Hotel (3 stars)

1 Euro=55 Rubles

or University Campus. Participants and accompanying persons are expected to arrive to Moscow on the 2 of July, 2015. The registration and opening session of the conference will be held on the 3 of July morning on address Moscow, M. Pirogovskaia, 29 (50 meters from Metro Station Sportivnaia, last vagon from Center of Moscow) at 10-00.

Accommodation rates, conference fees and social program

The approximate daily rates per person including the cost of accommodation at the Moscow hotels (breakfast is included) are as follows:

  1. single room 50-100 Euro,

  2. double room 20-50 Euro.

    In all Moscow hotels check-in/ check-out time is 12:00.

    It will be also possible to organize excursions for accompanying persons during the working days of the conference to different museums and places of interest in Moscow by special requests.

    Chairman of Local Organizing Committee

    Timur Kamalov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,

    and Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

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    International Conference on Theoretical Physics

    Moscow State Pedagogical University

    Moscow, Russia, Malaia Pirogovskaia, 29, Metro Station Sportivnaia

    Tel. +7 495 682 14 44

    Tel. +7 916 293 66 37 (mobile)


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